Sarva Reddy Venku Reddy Foundation for Development (SVFD) is a non-profit registered organization established in 2013. The SVFD was inaugurated by Dr. Daniel Gustafson, Deputy Director General, FAO during the year 2012 in the presence of Vice Chancellor, ANGRAU, Director General (MANAGE), Advisor Agricultural Planning Commission, GoI, Former Special Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra, Chairman Agricultural Recruitment Board, GoI and several other dignitaries and well-wishers.
The SVFD is operating in its own building located near Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The foundation works for promotion and advancement of agriculture, rural development, education, health and sanitation, science and technology and welfare activities. Besides, organising intellectual forums on special topics pertaining to development issues of the Nation.
Sustainable agriculture is farming in sustainable ways based on an understanding of ecosystem services, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment.
Read MoreWorkshops, Conferences, Meetings and Seminars Organized, undertaken various issues related to update and deepen the knowledge of professionals in the relevant sectors.
Read MoreRural people are not getting enough information about how to treat diseases due to lack of awareness. So health awareness program is the best media to deliver the information among them.
Read MoreChildren’s development is very important for the overall development of society and the best way to develop national human resources is to take care of children.
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