Sustainable Spices Initiative (Chillies) and Better Cotton Initiative programme which is financed by IDH and BCI respectively with partnership of SVFD and being implemented by PRDIS. SVFD is a local partner in Guntur. These projects are implemented with about 5000 farmers in Guntur District of A.P and subsequently would like to extend to other district of A.P. and Telangana through this programme small scale resource poor farmers livelihoods are being improved. The result indicated that cotton farmers were benefited by increasing yield and cost reduction in application of pesticides getting additional net profit of Rs.10,000 from cotton and Rs.20,000 from chillies per acre. In addition health, safety and environmental issues were also tackled
SSI (Chillies) programme will be implemented during the year 2015 & 2016 with about 10000 farmers in Guntur (A.P) and Khammam (Telangana) for which IDH will support 60% of grants. The counter part funding has to come from SVFD to cover 30% of the funding gap and 10% will be mobilised through spice board and State Governments.
A Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) Programme is launched in India aimed at empowerment of farmers on Better Cotton production principles (minimising harmful effects of crop protection practice), improving the soil health, water efficiency, protection of natural habitats and biodiversity, fibre quality) promotion of `decent work` principles and strong supply chain linkages through Farmers Organisations namely groups, networks/Federation and Producer Companies.
The programme has amply demonstrated as on holistic and futuristic demand driven agricultural extension model, for empowering and improvement of Livelihood of cotton farmers. In addition to improvement of livelihood of cotton farmers. In addition to improvement there was increase in human, social and economic capital. Majority of farmers were able to get net additional income of about Rs. 10,000 to 15000 / acre (150 to 200 $) through increase in 20 to 25 percent yields, 80 percent reduction in pesticide usage, 20 percent reduction in chemical fertiliser usage and changes in attitude towards environment and application of Decent work Principles specially in not using banned pesticides. Child Labour and awareness on farmers rights. Besides the programme has demonstrated the implementation of equity and ecological Principles with focus on women and natural resources management. Furthermore, the Linking farmers directly with markets has helped the farmers with better bargaining capacity better prices and elimination of middle men contributing to improvement in livelihoods. This programme and approach is being implemented in several countries.
The SVFD is the local partner for implementing this programme in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh. About 5000 farmers are participating in this programme since 3 years. The Programme supported partly by SVFD in the interest of environment and income of small scale farmers. This has helped to reduce the cost on pesticides and fertilisers while increasing the yields besides protecting environment by sustainable agricultural practices. The SVFD has played a significant role in mitigating the distress of farmers.