SVFD Supported an Extension Professional Interface meeting with collaboration of Society of Extension Professionals and SVFD in the 2016. During this meeting several issues confronting Agricultural Extension Were discussed in the presence of Extensional Professional Including DDG, ICAR, GoI, and DDG, FAO. During this occasion released a book onAdvance Agricultural Extension (Towards Changing the lives and livelihoods) which is printed by SVFD and will be circulated for all professionals and felicitated the author. About 300 participants attended the forum and all the authors of the book were facilitated. prominent persons attended the forum were Dr. Daniel Gustafson, DDG FAO, Rome and Dr.A.K.Singh, DDG, ICAR, GoI, Dr.V.V.Sadamate (Vice Chairman, SVFD) &Dr.S.V.Reddy;, Chairman, SVFD, Dr. Suresh Kumar, IAS, Special Chief Secretary (Retd) , Maharastra State, and Dr. C. Prasad. The contribution for this initiative was 1.50 lakhs.
SVFD has awarded a memento and Life Time Achievement Award for three Extension Professionals namely; Daniel Gustafson, Dr.C.Prasad and DDG, ICAR.
At present SVFD was also engaged in giving free training to the Chanchalguda Jail Inmates on Organic farming. The Executive Director of SVFD is also giving phycological counselling to the prisoners ever week once since one year. This is also another initiative of SVFD.
SVFD has awarded a memento and Life Time Achievement Award for three Extension Professionals namely; Daniel Gustafson, Dr.C.Prasad and DDG, ICAR.,
At present SVFD was also engaged in giving free training to the Chanchalguda Jail Inmates on Organic farming. The Executive Director of SVFD is also giving phycological counselling to the prisoners ever week once since one year. This is also another initiative of SVFD.