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Workshops / Seminars


Brain Storming Session on Climate Change Supported by SVFD and PRDIS

Organised Brain storming session on Climate Change and Agricultural Extension during the year 2015 were in many staff from ICAR related institutions, Agricultural University and staff from government of India and ICRISAT have participated (45 members) to finalise the thrust areas in climate change which needs to be promoted through research and extension. This initiative was appreciated and will be useful to the country.

Supported International Workshop on Peace, Prosperity and progress through seas 2014 organised by Osmania University. The programme was attended by NAVAL staff, some of the ambassadors, Professor, Students and media staff. Sri PremRavath, old Peace Ambassador along with Retd Naval Army Official has participated in which about 500 participants attended at IIBA, Hyderabad. Dr. C. Beena one of the members of SVFD is the Chief Organiser.

Supported Skill 2015 International conference ( organised by REEDS by sponsoring exposure visit of the international and national delegates to the watershed management area near Hyderabad. This programme was organised by REEDS (NGO) in collaboration SVFD and other partner organisations. The theme was focused on Swatch Bharath emphasising on cleanliness and sanitation. About 250 delegates from different countries participated. In which SVFD, Chairman had also chaired a session.

Click here for Village Visit Video Coverage

Professional Extension Interface supported and sponsored by SVFD

A Professional Extension Interface was held at Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar during 2016 supported and sponsored by SVFD. During this interface the current trends in extension and the steps to be taken for revitalising extension were discussed by galaxy of eminent extension professionals including the members of Society for Extension Professionals Hyderabad. During this occasion several professionals were Honoured by SVFD. Life time achievement award were presented to Dr. Danial Gustafson, DDG (FAO), Rome, Dr. C. Prasad, Former DDG (Extension) ICAR, New Delhi, Prof.S.V.Reddy, Former Professor & Chairman, SVFD.

SVFD Supported National Conference on “Revisiting Agricultural Extension Strategies for Enhancing Food & Nutritional Security, Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience to climate change-Towards transforming Agriculture” from 22nd- 24th April, 2017 in collaboration with PJTS Agricultural University and Participatory Rural Development Initiatives Society (PRDIS)

SVFD has represented and participated in International Conference on “Transforming Agricultural Extension Systems: Towards Achieving the Relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Global Impact” From 10th – 12th May, 2018 at Kandy, Sri Lanka.

SVFD has represented and participated in International Conference on Food and Nutritional security (SDGs) at Dhaka, Bangladesh during February, 2023.